Image by Kimberle Salter


State Farm, McDonald’s, Uber, JCPenney, Pfizer/Nexium, P&G, United Healthcare, Morton Salt, Safeway, Finesse, Discover Card, Boatmen's Bank, Museum of Contemporary Art, Mondelez, PepsiCo, Morton Salt, Museum of Contemporary Art, WeatherTech, Xfinity.



Whether it's social, video, shopper marketing, experiential, or digital, my main goal is connecting with the consumer in an emotional, impactful way--whether it be heartwarming, ironic or humorous-- that will either launch, rebrand, or further build each brand.

My years at DDB taught me the importance of a unique creative insight–one that nails the brief and hits an emotional chord. Once you've got that insight, the executions (no matter what media), come pretty easily.

My years freelancing taught me that whether it's B2B or B2C, TV or social, shopper marketing or PR, you still need that unique creative insight that hits an emotional chord if you want to connect with your audience and move the needle.

Awards include: Communication Arts, International Advertising Festival of New York, London International Advertising Awards, Print Casebooks 9-- The Best in Commercials, Addy's, Art Direction Magazine, and Webbys.

I enjoy photography as a creative outlet–mostly black and white film photography during my travels. I've received honorable mentions from the International Photography Awards

I team up with Jeanne Shields (CD/Copywriter), and some of the work we've done together can be found at:

Let me know if you need any freelance help finding that unique creative insight for your brand or need an experienced CD to fill in for an employee on leave.